Biomechanical/Gait issues

Pediatric Flat Feet

Oftentimes, parents come to us with concerns about the way their children’s feet look while walking. It is normal for many children to have a degree of increased flexibility in their feet. Sometimes, however, there can be too much flexibility or the presence of a flat foot that results in pathologic pronation.

Children with flat feet often do not feel pain. However, flat feet can signal that there is trouble ahead. Early detection and treatment can address the underlying biomechanical issues while the child’s foot is still growing and developing, thereby preventing future problems. In many cases, we can provide early treatment with something as simple as a supportive shoe insert or bracing. By addressing the condition early, we often can prevent issues in the future and eliminate the need for corrective surgical procedures.

If you are concerned that your child may have an issue with flat feet, or if your child is having pain in the foot or ankle, it’s a good idea to make an appointment for an evaluation. The issue may be resolved with an examination and custom orthotic devices that will support the arches.

All of the physicians at Kipferl Foot & Ankle have children of our own and recognize the importance of making both the parent and the child feel comfortable and safe at the doctor’s office. Our goal is to treat every child who comes into our office as if that child were our own.


Toe Walking

Toe walking typically falls into one of two categories. Either it is habitual – something that children have learned – or it is a symptom of a more serious underlying condition. True toe walking occurs when the heels rarely, if ever, touch the ground. Habitual toe walking occurs in episodes. Toe walking may be accompanied by muscle contractions, rigid high arches, or pain in the ball of the foot. Toe walking manifests as a child walking in a tiptoed position.

Conservative therapy may include custom bracing, orthotics and physical therapy. Evaluation by one of our foot and ankle specialists, trained in biomechanical examination of the lower extremity, can lead to quick answers and a customized treatment plan.

If you are concerned about your child’s toe walking, or if your child is having pain in the foot or ankle, it’s a good idea to make an appointment for an evaluation. The issue may be resolved with an examination and custom orthotic devices that support proper development.

All of the physicians at Kipferl Foot & Ankle have children of our own and recognize the importance of making both the parent and the child feel comfortable and safe at the doctor’s office. Our goal is to treat every child who comes into our office as if that child were our own.


Congenital Deformities

Foot and ankle deformities that are congenital – meaning that the condition was present at birth – all have one thing in common. The earlier that a specialist can diagnose the condition and initiate treatment, the better. Early treatment can minimize deformity. Whether the condition is something severe, such as club foot, muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy, or something like skin lesions or high arches, early diagnosis and treatment lead to the best outcomes.

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(866) KIP-FERL
(866) 547-3375